2, New Sagar Society, Opp Thana Healthcare Hospital, Naupada, Thane West

Root Canal

Root Canal Treatment is the procedure done to preserve the infected tooth. This procedure involves removing the damaged or infected pulp, treating any infection and filling the empty canals.

Great advances have been made in this area of specialization the world over, and include the following techniques, which are used in our clinic:

  • Rotary Endodontics
  • Digital dental x rays (RVG) with very low radiation, instant image seen on computer.
  • Apex locators


At our clinic endodontist (root canal specialist) is available to perform RCTs in less than an hour using advanced endodontic technology incorporating latest rotary equipment, apex locators and digital radiography.

To ensure high degree of clinical success, patients are thoroughly examined and appraised of clinical situation by our team and accordingly would advise you for a single visit root canal treatment.

Dental Clinic Thane

We are dedicated to giving each of our patients the healthy smile they deserve!
